25th Anniversary Dinner 2015
This year, the SSTA celebrates 25 years since the official document was signed linking the two cities and fostering cultural, commercial, sporting, educational and social links between the citizens of Salisbury and Saintes.
In celebration, we welcomed members from both cities to a special dinner in September, coinciding with Magna Flora, the flower festival held in the cathedral.
The dinner, attended by Salisbury's current Mayor,our President, was held at Sarum College in the Cathedral Close on September 19th 2015 and attended by enthusiastic twinners, Francophiles and past mayors, mayoresses and consorts.
Around forty members attended the dinner, which was a delicious selection of English and French dishes, prepared by Richard, who had himself worked as a chef in southern France. Traditional 'bubbly' began the evening, and two French wines acccompanied the meal in the gaily decorated 'red, white and blue' themed hall.
The chairman, Caroline, reminded us all of absent friends, and those who had done so much to further the development of the twinning over the years, thanking Margot Jackson, the mayor who signed the original document twenty five years ago. The President then spoke in support of the future of the association, and proposed a toast. A reply was give in both French and English by Marie-Claude from Saintes, and she was asked to convey a small gift to Bridget, the current French chairman, with thanks for all her tireless efforts.